Our webcams require ActiveX plugins for viewing.
NOTE: Windows Internet Explorer provides the ActiveX component that is required to view our cameras. Firefox can not be used to view these cameras!
Verify the following browser settings:
- Select from the main menu of Internet Explorer, then , then click on the tab.
- Select and click to specify its security setting.
- Disable Required server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone. Type in the IP address in the field and click to add this website to the zone.
- Click to confirm the setting and close Trusted sites dialog.
- In the Security Level area, click . The Security Settings screen will be displayed.
- Under , set all items to or .
- Click to accept the setting and close the screen.
- Click to close Internet Options dialog.
The ActiveX controls and plug-ins dialog will show twice for confirmation, cick to accept ActiveX plug-ins. The plug-ins will be downloaded and installed on you PC automatically when the connection is successfully made.
A login is required. Use any of the following:
Username: user2; password: 4321
Username: user3; password: 4321